How is everyone going ? Are we all into lockdown part 3 mode ? What a mad crazy time it is lately. Personally I actually love this circuit breaker moment to step back from the crazy and the strange things that have been circulating around me lately. I wonder how many times we can blame the full moon, the retrograde planets, Covid, politics , before we have to sadly sigh and realise the world has gone a whole rotation of stupid and some people are stuck on our spinning planet wrapped in their hatred and crazy and it seems they are content to stay there , possibly forever .
I haven't been writing for such a long time , work reports excluded , I mean writing for creative joy and storytelling. It seems that all there was to write about was the negative and also I was so incredibly angsty and agitated about politics , the state of our world in general and dealing with people that I thought I once knew turning out to be well "dickheads " of the highest order . I became rather absorbed in that shit space, its not a nice place to be alas we have all gone there . I know emotionally, logistically to just let it go, so I shall , "control the controllables" as a wise man
( Craig Harper ) once said. I often lay in bed thinking of this world we live in, where we are heading and what will be left , then I realise it won't be in my lifetime , or so I hope . I am unsure whether that fills me with glee or misery . But no more introverted morose thoughts as my mother used to say - it is what it is , you can't change the world.
So then we look at the things that bring us happiness - the sunshine and song in our lives. The everyday humdrum that no-one else really gives two fucks about but that make you realise the world can be OK and life is both a gift, a source of great entertainment and that all important JOY.
I was blessed to welcome a new grandson , beautiful Xavier has joined our noisy clan - just look at those lips and squeezy cheeks , just adorable. A new baby brings so much hope for the future and between their delightful smells and soft skin they are indeed my favourite waste of time . Just watching in stillness.
My book The Suitcase continues to sell well. I probably need to get another print run done soon, Ill add that to the list I have been ignoring for months on end. It is funny that I forget at times I have wrote my memoir and my story is out there. It is not until someone says something to me or broaches me about a part of my story that I stop and reflect on it. It still freaks me out a bit if I think about it but generally I am oblivious. I realise I compartmentalise my life and persona - interesting.
I also was very lucky to have some Anglesea time to heal and chill and slow down. I can walk for miles around this place , to me it is another world. I was going to do lots of writing whilst I was there but yeah nah didn't happen. I lazed around , had some intelligent conversations with the pups and caught up with friends for drinks and laughter. Always laughter - the type of laughter that makes your face and body hurt. I love those times. I love my friends.
So here I am finally attempting to write something anything just to get that writing muscle going again. I still have a thousand ideas going around in my head for stories but then they flitter away as I am distracted by living. I wish I could get into the discipline of writing again yet at this time just getting to wear a bra post lockdown is a discipline.
In the meantime the gardens all tidy, the kitchen drawers all sorted , the wardrobe all culled, food prep all done and evening walk scheduled in. I have stopped buying newspapers and am turning off the nightly news. I really need trash reality TV and footy back in my life, these are the things that centre my normal.
Heres hoping you find your centre of normal , if not get a puppy, hide away and don't read Murdoch press - damn it I had to get political didn't I :)