I have sent my baby - my manuscript - The Suitcase - off for assessment. It has been sitting on my desk, my lounge room floor, in my satchel in fact it has been carted everywhere for the last few years. From a flickering thought at a get away retreat to a full blown desire on a writing retreat in FIJI , this baby has been a constant. Alas I have done what I can , or more honestly what I think I can and have sent it on the way for some new eyes to look through, to know my secrets, read my life through story.
No doubt I shall have to lose thousands of words and gain several thousand more. I have already thought of many more parts I should have added in, mostly at 3 o'clock in the morning when I am doing head miles over nonsense.
It is a strange feeling not having it around, working on it, adding a new idea or thought. A writers mind is always working on the story , a story . Writing memoir has been both a cathartic and challenging experience. I left my manuscript for over six months, locked her away in a dark cupboard and didn't want to play with her anymore. Self doubt, countless re reads, editing BLAH, it never seemed to end. But then I was called home to my muse , my spiritual home and the writing of story flowed, the memories returned . I am finishing - The Suitcase - for myself and my children and just to say I actually did it.
So whilst I am waiting my next smart idea is to start a blog or website or whatever this is. I am told it is good for writers to have such things.
We shall see.
I concur with your sentiments Jan, in regards to materialism; ‘Less is more’ 🙏